Friday, July 10, 2015

Treating Her Like a Lady…

10929081_904555362890154_3344639451799689244_n[3]Mom brought me Helen’s delicious dinner tonight.  I grow weary of telling you what we ate in that my father gets Helen to fix the same things over and over ad nauseum.  If it were up to me, I would let Helen get adventurous with her cooking and we could all see what she puts together.  There is more to Southern cookin’ than just peas and cornbread.  We had cube steak and gravy tonight with the aforementioned peas and cornbread.  I like to mash up my soupy peas and cornbread.  It is almost like a hearty poor man’s soup.

My preparations for my date are coming together.  I just drove to AutoZone to get polish and shine for the interior and dash of my car – the exterior now clean.  Mom was with me and sat out in the car. I got a really nice, new shirt at Old Navy today and mom and I got me a better pair of new tennis shoes. I am hoping my comfortable pair of blue jeans still fit me without having to buy another pair.

Mom and I were down in Auburn this morning picking up her more books.  We stopped by Sonic on our way home and got a small chocolate shake shared between us.

Laura and I are talking on the phone now often for up to an hour or two at the time which leaves me exhausted.  I don’t know how to get off the phone nicely.  Tonight, I just had to tell her Charlie was here.  The phone never was my forte, but Laura keeps the conversation moving thankfully – no awkward or odd silences which drive me batty.  My hands were shaking the first time she told me she was going to call me as I waited by the phone after sending the number via Facebook’s Messenger.  I know I had to sound so nervous, but her sultry voice put me at ease.  She kind of purrs like a kitten.    

Ok, Charlie will soon arrive with my medications. It is 10pm and  I am ready to take them, and then I will head to bed shortly once they kick in.  It has been a long, busy day.  Lately, he has been bringing me a giant Coke every night and it has been such a treat before bed even if I do have to get up and pee around midnight. lol

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Just be really don't know this woman.....