Thursday, December 10, 2015

Getting Some Milk Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Style…

got-milkThis is how The Secretary can get things complicated very quickly.  Mom calls me and simply asks me if I need anything at the grocery store.

“I would love a gallon of sweet milk,” I innocently told her.

I have already drank two gallons of milk this week.

“Will you go with me?” mom asked. “That milk is going to be heavy to carry.”

I am undressed and have not had my shower. I am unfit for public appearances. 

“Don’t worry about it,” I told my mother.  “I am fine.  I have plenty of condensed milk for my coffee.”

“I will leave you four dollars outside the back door so you can go get it yourself,” The Secretary then replies.

“Don’t worry about it,” I then said adamantly once again. “I could just debit it if I get out and about today.”

“But your daddy doesn’t like it when you debit extra groceries,” she replied.


“Well, I can’t stand the thought of you going without milk with your Pop-tarts,” she said. “You do have Pop-tarts left?”

“Don’t worry about it.  I can eat my Pop-tarts fine without milk.” 

The Secretary called an additional two times about this incident. 

About an hour later, my mother shows up at my house in her car and blows the horn.

I walked out to the road after hurriedly dressing and putting some shoes on.

“I got you two gallons of sweet milk,” mom told me grinning. “I got one of the Kroger boys to carry it out for me. I tipped him two dollars for doing it.”

Bless my mother’s heart.  It is amazing mom and dad have been married 47 years as this kind of thing has gone on for decades. 

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glittermom said...

What the heck is sweet milk?

Andrew said...

It's what we call whole full-fat milk here in the South.

glittermom said...

Oh.....never heard it called that....wonder why, it isn't really sweet....

Andrew said...

kinda like buttermilk tastes nothing like butter.

Andrew said...

Milk also contains lactose or milk sugar. It also tastes sweet compared to buttermilk.

glittermom said...

Makes sense...I wonder why the term is just southern...

Summer said...

My grandmother called it sweet milk too.