Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Sexist Pig…

5754341842_pp1520male20chauvinist20pig_answer_1_xlargeSorry about the Happy, Happy Hump Day photos.  I was emulating my ex-girlfriend’s brother who gets a big positive response out of such posts every Wednesday. I thought I would get on the bandwagon. I guess I have a different demographic reading than he does.  A much smarter and more sophisticated demographic I might add.

I awoke at 7pm tonight after a very, very fitful day of sleep.  I just called my mother for my nightly check-in and she said my father had gone to get barbecue plates at Roger’s Barbeque.

“And you didn’t get one for me?” I exclaimed feeling kind of dejected.  

I always miss out on these kinds of things. Really, the logistics of it all are why I don’t get a plate.  Getting them to me is such a hassle for my father.

Mom stammered on her words feeling terrible she said.

“MOM! I am just kidding you,” I replied.. ‘I have plenty to eat here at the house.”

Although, a Roger’s barbeque plate would have been wonderful.  They close at 9pm so I still have time to go buy one for myself.

Photo Credit:


glittermom said...

Don't worry about the photos,just more of a guy thing ...

amelia said...

You know, it's your blog, you can post whatever you want!!