Sunday, May 08, 2016

Final Boss...
I was fighting the final boss in Phantasy Star when I heard Charlie pull up to my curb. The Caprica makes a very distinctive noise. Maggie just went nuts. Thankfully, I could pause the game mid-battle. Fried chicken and Charlie is more important than beating Lassic (the final boss) any day.

"The fried chicken man is here!" Charlie exclaimed, laughing as he walked across my yard.

Charlie's hair was blowing about wildly in the wind as usual. I told him we are going to get him a toupee and some super glue to which he chuckled.

"Now dammit! I was born bald," Charlie said jesting.

Heir Charlie was also the bearer of my many medications as well. I was so glad to see him and the Magster was, too! I can get lonely in this little house by myself all day. Dad says that is a good sign that I am recovering. I never got lonely when I was drinking. John Barleycorn was my best friend.

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