Wednesday, May 04, 2016

It's the Little Things that Matter the Most...
Charlie stopped by just a moment ago on his way home from work. He was teetering on my kitchen chair installing new fluorescent light bulbs in the kitchen's ceiling light fixture. Awhile back, he completely changed and converted all of my incandescent bulbs and installed fluorescent bulbs. There were just a few ceiling lights that weren't converted.

Charlie is so selfless and does little things that brighten your day. I love surprises like that. I badly needed bulbs for my bathroom light fixture.

Charlie left me with a whole box of lightbulbs and headed home for supper. He said Janice was cooking cubed steak and gravy, steamed broccoli and Southern style sticky rice. Janice is a wonderful cook of the highest order and I bet tonight's supper will be delicious. Charlie offered to bring me a plate but I had already eaten Mrs. Marie Calendar's lasagna and was about to pop like a tick.

Shine On!

My biggest exertion today was applying tire shine to my tires. It's a predominately African American type thing around here, but I love how it looks. It makes the tires look wet and brand new. Charlie noticed my car and told me how good it looks. Charlie notices things that my father doesn't.

1 comment:

Summer said...

It's a white people thing around here. LOL.