Friday, May 25, 2018

A Windfall of Bad News…

“My TV is not working,” dad told me over his cellphone. “I am fixing to drive out to WOW! office and get another cable box. Will you hook it up for me?”

My father is addicted to his television and all of this sent him into a frenzied stir. He had been without TV since last night. It is kind of like a crack addict on the prowl for another fix.

“Let me get a hot shower and I will be over there at one,” I told him.

So, I scrubbed clean all my dangly bits and shampooed my hair. Soon, I was on the way to my father’s house armed with a spare HDMI cable thinking that was what was wrong.

“I hate to tell you this,” I told my father after he had been on the phone with WOW! for thirty minutes. “But it is your TV and not the cable box. The TV won’t even come on. You should still be able to watch Netflix or Blu-ray discs even if the cable box is broken.”

Dad frowned, looked exasperated, and said he would call and get Charlie to get him a new TV tonight on his way home from work.

“Will you come and hook it up?”

“Just call me when the TV gets there,” I told my father. “Let’s try to make it before eleven, though.”

Horror of Horrors…

As I was leaving my father’s house, I saw something white stuck under Charlie’s garage door on the house he owns next to my father. I walked up the bank to the driveway and it was Felix, Charlie’s and Janice's cat. The garage door had been shut upon him and killed him. I called my father not knowing what to do and he said he would call Charlie and take care of it. It made us all sick at our stomachs. Felix was such a good and personable cat. I know Charlie and Janice will both cry over this unfortunate bit of news. Don’t think a tear didn’t erupt at the corner of my eye as well. I hate I had to be the harbinger of such bad news today.


glittermom said...

Oh my god that’s terrible. There should be a sensor on the door if it senses something in the way it won’t close. Very sad. The hazards of having an outdoor cat.

Summer said...

That is horrible. Poor kitty.