Friday, May 11, 2018

Holy Hot Tamales Batman!

Damn, I really hope the HVAC guys show up soon. It is 85°F inside my house and 90°F outside. I’ve got the fan blowing full tilt to little avail. Maggie is laying on the porch trying to stay cool. We’re praying the night comes soon and the temperatures start to drop. It is supposed to drop down to 65°F tonight which will feel almost frigid.

0f771bc3-ccdc-4e07-bf5e-bb32dbbcb0bd_1.72070751bf525f1a22179ae40ee00c76I found my new favorite snack at the convenience store this morning. They are Lance cheddar on whole wheat crackers. They are smashingly delectable. I am sure they’ve got to be better for me being only 180 calories. I bet a bag of powdered donuts is 800 or 900 or maybe even 1000 calories. It has been years since I’ve been able to buy things like this. I am slowly winning back my father’s trust. I just have to be sure to bring him the receipts. We can’t be drinking beer or Southern Comfort now can we?  I am always afraid they are going to be out of receipt paper and can’t print a receipt. What then would I say? Smell my breath?


skinny minny said...

Are the HVAC people scheduled to show up? Did they? Hope they get it installed soon. Summer is here so I am sure it is there as well.

glittermom said...

Pack up Maggie and a bag and head to dads! I’m sure he has room. That might get him moving makes me mad your dad hasn’t even given you a time they will be there!