Monday, July 05, 2004

Saying thanks and catching up......

I just wanted to take some time and say thanks to a few long time posters and some new ones as well. I also want to say thanks to a new site that has linked me. First off, I wanted to say thanks to The Frumpy Professor aka Pipe Tobacco. You have always taken the time to write your opinions to help me with advice. You have an excellent blog and I have enjoyed our conversations.

Secondly, I wanted to thank gurustu at Gurustu's Worms of Wisdom. You have always taken the time to stop by and read and offer some much needed wisdom. You have helped put my sometimes skewed view of reality into perspective. I do appreciate it good friend. I recommend his site to all of you of need a breath of fresh air and a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Thanks for nominating me on that site as an under appreciated blogger. I am undeserving of such a thing though but it was kind of you to do so.

Thirdly, to Plark, my overseas fellow blogger whose writings often amuse me and make me smile. He often makes me think as well when he speaks of philosophy. I enjoy seeing his world in pictures upon his blog and his writing about them and how he sees his world. You have me checking my horoscope just for the sheer fun of it. Take care and be well and don't teach those Chinese students any bad words. Nothing you couldn't say to your mother.

Fourthly, to Diana in Toronto. You can catch her blog here. She has posted some important things on her blog and has taken the time to offer me support. I think her journal is interesting and has an important message to read when it comes to homelessness. You get to see the other side of the coin; the experiences and opinions of a homeless care giver and support person.

Fifthly, I wanted to thank Crystal Evans whose blog called The Thoughts and opinion of a Homeless Girl was an inspiration to me. I read over the months and saw her struggle. I saw her fight against all odds but she never gave up. She never begged for your money. She used a sometimes insane system and stuck with it and in the end got her a home and off the streets. You gal, made me want to fight. You made me want to do what it took to get a home and keep it.

Sixthly, I want to thank all of you who have posted either anonymously or who I have not named. Exterra I am not forgetting you. I have enjoyed your interaction as well.

Lastly, I want to thank Brian at Brian lost a brother who committed suicide because he could not get relief from his illness. I thank you sir for linking me and I thank you for the great amount of work you have put into building this website. It has helped countless people like me with information, a place to discuss our illnesses, and links to valuable, helpful resources.

Well, that is all I wanted to post for now. Those good folks mean a lot to me and I felt they deserved some recognition. I have an interesting story to tell later and also about my Fourth of July yesterday. Those will follow this afternoon after another family cookout. We are grilling hotdogs. Wheee Doggy!!!

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