Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Beyond the Diagnoses

Tonight was the first time in a very long time I had my bed to myself. I stretched out blissfully upon the whole width of my bed. I hogged the covers and slept on my back so I could snore as loudly as I wanted. My little slumber party was finally interrupted when Maggie jumped into the bed with me. "You just had to go and ruin my fun," I told her playfully, looking down at her lying at my feet. She watched me for a few moments and then went sound asleep with a canine sigh. I sat on the edge of my bed to put on my shorts, shoes, and came in here to write, listen to the radio, and drink a Mountain Dew.

Soul wanted to know more of the man beyond the diagnoses. I think I am smart and driven. I am very creative and have a flair for things such as music, drawing, and painting. I imagine myself to be from a long line of creatively brilliant schizophrenics known for their eccentricity and candle light bright lives that are short and furious in their living. Rosa says I am too smart for my own good and that I tend to over think things. She is usually right when it concerns me and knows me best. I have grand aspirations for life. I want to marry again. I want to regale in a life that is dull and full of routine which I consider normal. I would like to work again and support myself. I want to make love with abandon and howl at the moon. I don't want to take medications and deal with their side effects for the rest of my life. My Achilles heel is a stiff drink. I feel most passionate after a few drinks. That passion has been hard to capture any other way.

I was talking to my father last night and I love how "normal" his life is. I want my life to be so mundane.

"Tell me of your routines," I asked him as we sat in my den.

"Oh, I put on my favorite t-shirt and pajama bottoms every night when I get home," he said. "I usually pour myself a diet coke and turn on the t.v. to The Weather Channel. Your mother asks me a thousand questions as I unwind from my day. I have to pet my pussy (his cat). I then usually toast a piece of buttered cinnamon toast as a treat and go to bed."

I sighed wistfully and longingly.

"Tell me about your day," dad then asked.

"After you leave from giving me my medications, I go straight to bed and listen to the radio as I drift off to sleep. Rosa usually complains about it being too loud. I sleep for a few hours then wake up excited that my favorite program is on."

"What program is that?" dad asked.

"Coast to Coast AM. I then stay up to about 7 a.m. and then cook breakfast."

"Oh, that is that show about bigfoot and aliens," he said as he smiled. "You also like a traditional breakfast, don't you."

"Yeah, I like eggs, bacon or sausage, and buttery toast. I usually slice some sharp cheddar as well."

"Does Rosa eat breakfast with you?"

"She gets up to eat and then encourages me to come back to bed.  She says my sleeping habits are crazy and that I keep her up all night.  I have told her she can always sleep at her house, but she insists on staying with me."

"See? You have comforting routines as well," my father said.

"Yeah, and I can be rather autistic about them getting interrupted."

"That's why I don't ask of you as much as I do of your brother or sister. I don't want to upset you."

"What are Maggie's routines?" my father then asked.

I laughed, calling her my cherub.

"She goes in and out of the dog door all day. Lunches are spent on the riviera sunning ourselves. A dainty dinner of kibbles is served at noon.  Afternoons are spent lazing about, watching our human host like some rendition of The Truman Show."

My father laughed and loved the humor for which I told of Maggie's day.

"You've taken such good care of her and I am proud of you for that."

"I love her," I replied. "She is as close to having a child as I will ever experience." 

I walked my father to the door and told him to go enjoy his routine. He smiled and hugged me goodnight.

"Get some good sleep tonight," he said.

I thanked him and curled up in the bed for a few hours and then started my routines for the day. There is a long stretch ahead of me filled with radio until breakfast at 7 a.m. Then, I can go back to sleep with the air turned down low and with Maggie by my side. It is going to be a good morning and I better quit writing about it and go and enjoy it. Good morning and good day.


Summer said...

Morning Sweet Pea! Is breakfast ready yet?

SOUL: said...

good morning andrew...
thanks for doin this for me.... i'm sure your other readers will enjoy it as well.
(i want to see a pic of your maggie btw... my dogs and cats are my "other kids too... i only have my soulkid, and there will be no more for us either.. unless of course they have 4 legs!)
there is a FINE man behind the diagnosis my brotha... i hope you can see that, now that it is in print... for all the world to see! no turning back now.
a strong, talented, funny, loving, determined, fighter of a man in there!!!! don't let that damn diagnosis kick your ass... sometimes, ya just gotta wake up and say

i am andrew... my diagnosis does NOT define ME as a man!

it works bud.. i know this , because i have had to do it ... it doesnt happpen overnight... and it's isn't like it doesn't return to your thoughts at times.... you have to learn to be stronger than big fancy freakin "labels".

i am not a label. i have several.. SEVERAL... diagnoses myself... but they are NOT ME. they are merely a part of my that i have to deal with. i must be stronger than they are.... or there will be no me.

i hope youu have learned from your "bender", and decided it wasn't worth the effort or money ya put into... i was glad to see you were drinkin a dew!!!!

take care my brotha... and have a great day today!!!


what a great soulful approach and crisp wonderful read today!!
Sounds to me like you had a nice connecting conversation with dad..I'm sure even though his life seems mundane and wishful for you to have, he has his challenges as well.
Maggie-WOOF!Be nice to your daddy today!! He's had a few rough days!

I really liked this post!!

Cheryl said...

I think I've been feeling a little weepy or sentimental lately, because whenever I read your posts, a tear comes to my eye. I hope today has you feeling fine. Doing your routines. I'm off to make my daily oatmeal and listen to my audio book as I drive to work. As usual.

Portia said...

just caught up after a long weekend... i'm really sorry it was such a rough one. i hope this week finds you, maggie & rosa relaxing in your routines:)

Bridget said...

Not sure if you saw this from the other day, so I'll repost:

Just wanted to pass you a quick note that I LOVE your blog and also that I'm a fellow Coast to Coast fan. I don't believe in all of the stuff on the show, but it's way more entertaining than anything on TV.

You've posted that you wish Coast was on during the day. Well, you can listen to it during the day - and before everyone at night hears the day's show. I do that nearly every day in work. You can either go on the website and click the link to "Listen to Last Night's Show," or if you want to listen to it radio-style, there is a station in Guam that broadcasts it over the web. K57 AM. Guam is a day ahead of our timezone, which means that you can hear Tuesday night's show now if you wanted. The show runs 3a-6a their time, which would be 1P to 4P our time. The link for the station is: http://www.radiopacific.com/k57/. Make sure you have RealAudio on your computer; that is the file type the stream is in.

I am on dial-up internet and have no problem listening to radio over the web.

~ Bridget in Connecticut.

Rich said...

Nice post. it's good you and your Dad are able to hug.

I like the new look of your blog

Josie Two Shoes said...

Delightful read, Andrew! You did a marvelous job of responding to Soul's comment. I love the man behind the diagnosis, we all do! And I can so relate to your enjoyment of simple, normal routines. I am that way too. I have had enough ups and downs on the rollercoaster to last a lifetime. I would like nothing more than a very normal, "boring" life.

I loved the conversation with your Dad. It seems you two are communicating more and more all the time. I know that must feel good!

SOUL: said...

hi again... i hope these crazy comments you've been getting lately aren't because i asked you to take off the eye thing??? or did they do it this much before? i hope it's not my fault. i would feel bad. but i would also feel bad if i had to do the eye thing again to leave you comments. :))
i do hope you are having a great day today!
btw.. burgers taste the same without beer!


HAHAHAH!! Not to be a blogger hogger,..but SOUL!! You asked him to take the word verification too? hahaha...I hope you both Mr 4th and Mrs. Soul are hanging in there with your rough days present and past!!

SOUL: said...

CRUSTY... my blog pals are so GREAT... andrew took it down...EE took hers off.. YOUO of course took yours off... i'm thinkin portia may have as well
andrew? where are you my brotha... time to check in with the soul sistah!

KYRIE said...

Hey Andrew.
I love this post. And may all ur dreams come true. I love sweet posts like this.
Seems like ur comment field been high jacked by a crazy!