Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Changing Directions

I wrote a long post about a mostly harmless argument Rosa and I had last night.  I decided to take it down.  It was a standard run-of-the-mill relationship squabble so nothing new. Rosa watches too much TV.  I spend too much time on the computer.  I think we all have those. On to more positive things...

I walked Rosa home early this morning.  I am so ready to have my car back.  The detectives should call me sometime today.  I am going to baby that car when I get it back by washing and waxing it, and detailing the interior.  I am also going to get my oil changed. 

I really don't have much to say now that I've axed the post about Rosa's and my squabble.  Maybe the day will offer up more writing fodder as it progresses.


simonsays said...

LOL Andrew- you are so right, it the same argument everywhere, only the names are changed...

I am SOOOOOO excited that you are going to get your car back!!!!!

SOUL: said...

that IS great to hear that you get your car back... you are very lucky. i told you you were lucky to not live near the border or something. :))
take care
happy tuesday

Leah Friedman said...

Mazel tov (congratulations) on getting back your car, I am so happy for you!
As for the argument, your human, we all have them.

Leann said...

It's so nice to hear you get your car back!!! The male/female argument, ya, it's the same everywhere. I don't think I realized you and Rosa were together again.

Ryan said...

You two are lucky, I spend too much time on the computer AND watching TV.