Monday, January 14, 2008

Rawhide Fun...


Kelly Jene said...

Sweet Maggie! She looks like she's enjoying herself.

I love fresh growing plants. Is it spring already? hehehe Seems like it for you!

Whitney said...

Andrew, I also hope that vocational rehab can help you get back into the workforce. You have so many great talents and skills. Have you thought of marketing your computer and photography knowledge? You know something like working for a realtor or insurance firm that needs someone to photograph houses or damage or stuff like that? I know you would probably need a car but it might be something to look into. Many times it wouldn't be dealing with people so you don't have to worry about your anxiety. Lots of businesses need someone to photograph their stuff.
Just wanted to know that I am thinking about you.

Whitney said...

Oooo, just thought of something else. What about an animal shelter photographing their animals for adoption?

Okay, now I can't turn my brain off. I am on a roll....

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Sharyna said...

Maggie is cute as a button! Can't get enough of her. Any word on your car? When was it that you meet the vocational rehab lady?



Hi Maggie. My two older boys Jack and Sulli always ask me to turn the computer on to the maggie dog..

Remontant said...

maggie's a cute dog. and these are really great pictures!