I have been participating in a writing group as of late. One of the fellows in the group started me on a meme in which I need to tag additional prospective writers. I am tagging you and you may learn more about it here:
I'm glad you have heeded my advice and now respond to comments graciously. You've acquitted yourself as a hospitable Southern gentleman these past 2 days. Why not show dear old dad your blog? He would be so proud of you plus he may see the hidden potential in you which I see.
Summer, I was trying to get a more Christmasy theme to the blog. Glad you like them. Your opinion moves mountains.
Pipe, Thanks you for the invite. I will give it careful consideration although blog fiction bores me. I would rather read about an author's real life. Your pick of me to do so honors me though.
Anon, I will conceded and say you were my inspiration in doing so. Thank you for the jolt I needed in reinvigorating my blog comments. You are well thought of. And thanks for the positiveness and not derision anonymous comments usually bring.
by the way..i agree with pipe tobacco..meme's can be fun..and a way to get to know folk better..if you put yours on..others will do them as well....i did one with my friend a little while ago.
LOL! It's like something to do to your kid if you don't like him or her anymore. "That little shit irks me!"
thats cheered me up a bit..thanks for sharing.
Joy Heather? Do they have Chia Pets in the UK? Just curious.
Hey, I think the Chia hat is adorable :-)
LOL Leann! It is kinda cute now that I take a second look. I would be so embarassed wearing that thing, though.
I'm loving these polka dots Andrew!
I have been participating in a writing group as of late. One of the fellows in the group started me on a meme in which I need to tag additional prospective writers. I am tagging you and you may learn more about it here:
Obviously, it would be fun to have you participate, but I understand if you choose not to do so.
I'm glad you have heeded my advice and now respond to comments graciously. You've acquitted yourself as a hospitable Southern gentleman these past 2 days. Why not show dear old dad your blog? He would be so proud of you plus he may see the hidden potential in you which I see.
Summer, I was trying to get a more Christmasy theme to the blog. Glad you like them. Your opinion moves mountains.
Pipe, Thanks you for the invite. I will give it careful consideration although blog fiction bores me. I would rather read about an author's real life. Your pick of me to do so honors me though.
Anon, I will conceded and say you were my inspiration in doing so. Thank you for the jolt I needed in reinvigorating my blog comments. You are well thought of. And thanks for the positiveness and not derision anonymous comments usually bring.
My final thought on the Chia hat. It's like wearing a muppet on your head! Hah!
Hi Andrew..i dont think so..i have not seen any...but i will ask my grandkids..if anyone knows they will.
by the way..i agree with pipe tobacco..meme's can be fun..and a way to get to know folk better..if you put yours on..others will do them as well....i did one with my friend a little while ago.
I usually shy away from memes especially the "ten wierd things about me" type of stuff. I will give it careful consideration, though.
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