Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Christmas Redeemer...

"One year, when I was a child, mom and dad gave me a set of expensive luggage for Christmas.  I must have been about nine," my father told me as he handed me my handful of medications a moment ago.  "I bawled my eyes out saying Santa wouldn't bring that!"

"That's terrible for a child to bear," I replied. "Why would they get you luggage?"

"They were trying to be practical," he said. "The next week we were to leave on a cruise to Puerto Rico."

I looked at my watch to see what time I took my meds.  I know they take effect in about one hour.  I was on a countdown. 

"Momma redeemed herself, though," dad replied.  "She went out the next day and bought me a Howdy Doody puppet and a chemistry set. The chemistry set turned out to be my all time favorite Christmas gift.  I was thrilled.  All the stores were closed and she had to beg a store owner by phone to open up long enough for her to shop."

I smiled.  My grandmother was one of the most kindhearted women I have ever known.  It must have killed her to see my father cry on Christmas day.   She redeemed herself and it was a Merry Christmas after all even if it was a day late. 


christina said...

oh my goodness, luggage?? might be ok if it were packed with toys....or cash :)

I hope Maggies is more alive tonight. She sure was docile and quiet in the video. Maybe she needs a sweater to keep her warmer? or a doggie snugglie? I saw them at CVS I think. She would look KEWL in one of those....maybe you can knit her one, Andrew!!

forsythia said...

Luggage for a little 9-year-old boy? Poor little guy. I'm glad that your grandmother provided a happy ending to this Christmas tale.

Andrew said...

I know. Just imagine the horror of being nine and getting luggage on Christmas morning. What were my grandparents thinking? They were thinking that the cruise was the main Christmas present I bet in their defense.

Jules said...

Hey Andrew, I'm a long time reader but lost track of you for a while. What a difference a little time makes, right?

You are writing like you again. The Johnathon I used to read. Keep it up! Your positive attitude is inspiring.

Merry Christmas friend!

Andrew said...

Jules, thank you so much for the kind words and it is good to see you back and reading! Take care and Merry Christmas to you as well!

Joy Heather said...

Oh that is so sad wonder you were upset..but its good to know you had the other presents afterwards..its funny how these things come to mind at this time of the year isn't it ?