Thursday, December 03, 2009

I am not feeling well at all, folks.  Ye olde mental illness bug has bitten me badly.  I might be quiet for a few days.  Right now, it is hard to type.  I feel confused.  And other assorted symptoms. 


rachel danae said...

Hey Andrew,
I've been reading your blog every once in a while, but this is my first comment. Hang in there, you'll make it through this episode.

justLacey said...

I hope you're feeling better soon. Will miss you and worry about you. Take care and keep us posted.

Beth said...

Andrew, I found your blog when I was desperately searching for information about mental illness coupled with addiction. My daughter -- who lived in Birmingham from 1990 to 2008 -- has PTSD, possibly schizophrenia, and is nearly 10 months clean from a drug addiction which began in an effort to make the voices and visions go away. It has been a long, hard year since she came here to be closer to me, and I know she struggles with her illness every day. Your blog has been so helpful to me to understand some of her issues, and to see how you are coping. Keep writing, please. Hang in there. One day at a time, even one moment if that's all you can do. You are connected with so many via this medium.

glittermom said...

Take care of yourself...We will be here when you return to us...

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Will be thinking good thoughts and saying a prayer for you, Andrew.

Maybe Mother Nature will give you some snow to brighten your world a little!

We are here if you need us. I care very much about how you are doing.


~Christina~ said...

Hang in there, Andrew, one day at a time. This too shall pass...

Jessica said...

Just Breathe, Andrew, all will be well soon. You take care, sending light your way. Write when you can to let us know how you are doing.

Moohaa said...

Warm thoughts and prayers coming your way friend.

Gary said...

Hang in there dude!

Jenn said...

Sorry to hear that. Take care :)

Karen :-) said...

So sorry to hear that. Take it a day at a time. My dad always used to say to me, "This too shall pass." I say a prayer for you every day on my morning walk.

Joy Heather said...

So sorry you are not feeling good again Andrew...hope it is just a very short 'blip' for you....look forward to hearing from you when you feel up to writing again....give Maggie a hug from Me..and get well soon.