Monday, July 13, 2015

Hot as a Tin Roof Under a Southern Sun…

Chinese_Fold-Pak_000It is hot as the Devil’s hells and Hades outside. Ever heard of frying an egg on pavement?  Today might be a good day to try.  My wireless weather station reads 97° degrees right now.  I worked on my car some this early morning and I am glad I did that at 8am and not 5pm this afternoon.

Laura’s and my date is officially set for Wednesday.  I am going to pick her up at 6pm in Lagrange, Georgia at her house and we are going out for Chinese.  She seems excited and I am as well.  Just like a woman, she couldn’t get me on the phone last night at 10:30pm and she immediately thought I was mad or angry with her.  I was actually out with Charlie looking at a new house he wants to buy.  Charlie wanted my opinion (money pit).

Mom arrived a few moments ago with supper as in Arby’s – both our favorite fast food place to eat.  I was on the phone with Laura and had to abruptly get off to answer the door.  I hope that wasn’t too irksome for her. 

Photo Credit:


Anonymous said...

You should take her to Rodger's BBQ for your second date (if the first date goes well, that is.)


amelia said...

I hope the dating goes well for you both.

amelia said...

Hope you are OK. How did your date go?