Sunday, August 30, 2015

Captain Dave Commands this Ship…

CAPTAIN D's SEAFOOD Celebration Plate, Lobster Bites, Crab, Shrimp Fries Hush Puppy and Side Salad,Captain D's Seafood Fast Food RestaurantCharlie and Papa will be here any minute with medications and Captain D’s.  Mom has also just been over to give Maggie her heartworm medications.  Mom brought Maggie a can of Vienna sausages – her favorite treat. Maggie took her medications like the big girl she is. Mom and I really bragged on her.

“Your daddy wants to know if you will eat Captain D’s?” my mother asked about an hour ago on the phone.

“Sure!” I replied excitedly. “Get me the jumbo fish platter and please don’t forget the malt vinegar!”

Mom called dad on his cellphone to tell him yes. It is going to be a nice change from our usual fried chicken.

Laura called me two hours ago and we talked for about 30 minutes.  It was as if nothing had ever happened.  I felt caught in some strange wormhole or miasma about the whole affair.

“Wayne’s trying to call me,” she said abruptly ending the call. “I will call you right back.”

Well, I guess that was short and sweet, but she never called back.  Mom quickly called me to ask me what Laura said.

“Just stuff I guess,” I told my mother. “It was much ado about nothing. She acted like nothing ever happened, though. Mom, something's not quite right about her and I can’t put my finger on it.”


glittermom said...

Was there hush puppy's? That looks so good!

Andrew said...

Yes, there was hushpuppies and they were delicious.

Unknown said...

please can you find this poor Canadian a recipe for hush puppies ?

glittermom said...

You can find any recipe you want on the Internet....