Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Just Don't Turn Towards the Wind...

My good and adulated father pulled up tonight about 9 pm and Maggie started her jubilant greeting routine for his homecoming. It is always a good omen when that jet black Honda parks in front of house. I will be looking out that front window with the Maggins. Unless we are trying to quell and eradicate the homeless man left in me -- a tall order of reprogramming me for the future socially, emotionally, and financially. I kept thinking dad would criticize whatever I was wearing tonight (sweat pants and a hoodie) as well.

Well, Maggie and  I waited for several very long minutes until my father came walking around the house. Maggie had thought he had forgotten us as her fervent barks had grown silent except for Maggie's cough bark routine. She stayed on vigil, though.

"Just what in the hell are you doing in my side yard?" I asked my father amusingly as he suddenly appeared.

"Shh...man's prerogative and all that," dad replied. "I was taking a leak in your shrubbery."

My father shows no modesty just like his parents. Zilch, de nada. I couldn't help but laugh.

1 comment:

Jan said...

You can dress them up, but you still can't take them out, lol. My late husband, with all his social graces, killed a spot of grass behind our garage with his 'pit stops'

I could never understand it...he walked out of the integral garage, took a leak behind the garage and then continued into the house. It was 10' farther that way.


Have a good day, Jan!