Sunday, July 16, 2017

A Few Words of Wisdom From Glittermom...

glittermom said...

Years ago that's what people used to fry everything in. Everyone had a container of bacon grease. I don't think there was any cooking oil sold. Maybe Crisco in a can was it.


Kran's Crackers said...

In Jewish families bacon wasn't kosher so they would render chicken fat from the chicken skin and store it in jars and cans to use the same way. The would not only cook with it, but I've heard they would spread it on toast or crackers and eat it like butter. Oh, and they would eat the crispy chicken skin they rendered the fat from like it was bacon! This was before my time, but I can imagine their cholesterol levels must have been through the roof!


diana said...

I've heard that same story. One of my Grandmothers wasn't kosher, not sure what she used. My other "Bubbe" used olive oil for everything! My kitchen is kosher, I rarely fry, when I do I use olive oil or peanut.