Monday, July 10, 2017

Vegan, say you? What is a Girl Stuck in the South Gonna Do?

"I'm shopping, too," my father said as we walked into Kroger and both grabbed a cart. "There is nothing to eat at my house either."

At one point, dad and I met head on and looked to see what each other had in our grocery carts.

"What are you doing with those Vegan burritos and frozen Vegan pizzas?" I asked my father.

"One of the grandchildren has decided she is Vegan so I am getting her something to eat when she comes," my father replied.

"I'm gonna refrain from the rabbit food and indulge in your pork chops and rice!"

Dad laughed.

"If I told my mother I adopted a new special diet, then she would have laughed me out of the house," dad said of his mother. "She would have told me to eat what she cooks or starve."

I also noted that dad had two quarts of Promised Land chocolate milk just like me. It is for the grand-kids as they love the stuff. I introduced my father to that chocolate milk.

I got a whole helluva lot of breakfast foods this week. I also got the fixins to make my spaghetti and meat sauce. My only real splurge was some Entemman's fried apple pies. I grabbed those heading through the bakery to go get checked out.


glittermom said...

Probably not a good diet for children. You have to make sure theyre getting the nutrition they need from the food they aren't eating...their bodies are still growing ...

glittermom said...

Vegans don't drink milk or eat eggs so. I don't think chocolate milk's probably a phase and soon she'll forget about it.

Andrew said...

Glittermom, I don't know what I would do without you. I certainly wouldn't be getting any comments on the blog.

glittermom said...

I'll try to say something nicer...I get a bit crotchety and bossy. You know I love you ...😘. Is it time for your inject yet?