Friday, September 29, 2017

Game Day...

"What are we doing about my medications and the Auburn game tomorrow?" I asked my father as he sat on my couch.

We had just completed tonight's medication ritual.

"Alright Martha!" he said loudly and started laughing in earnest.

"I swear I got the worst of the both of ya!" I exclaimed.

"It will be 12 pm if I bring them," dad said. "Your brother likes to get to the game early."

" Charlie will bring them about 4 pm when he takes Horsefly to the movies," my father then said.

"We better go with Charlie, shouldn't we?"

"That would be best," he said. "I don't want to get you too off schedule."

"You are just like your mother sometimes," dad told me laughing some more.

"The devil was always in the details for us," I replied with a harrumph.

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