Saturday, September 23, 2017

What Not to See at the Movies...

"What movie is Horsefly watching today?" I asked Charlie a few moments ago.

"He is seeing some movie about ninja Legos," Charlie replied.

I chuckled. Horsefly can pick the most terrible movies to watch. I can remember years ago when I took Horsefly to the movies. We watched an MTV production called Hustle and Flow about the rap industry. I walked out of the theater realizing I just wasted two hours of my life.

"My favorite movie and film critic called the Lego movie a two-hour toy commercial," I then told Charlie.

Charlie laughed as he handed me my medications.

"Now count your pills," he said to make sure they were all there. "I don't think Horsefly really watches the movies. He just enjoys the interesting noises and the ambiance."

Charlie brought a gallon of fresh brewed sweet tea that I will just relish today. Charlie also brought me a fried catfish plate from Merl's diner which I practically inhaled after Charlie left. Maggie put on quite a show of "song and dance" to get her one catfish fillet.

"You're getting fish tomorrow at lunch as well," Charlie told me before he left. "How does a Captain D's jumbo fish platter sound?"

I told Charlie that it sounded delicious. Charlie just spoils me rotten.

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