Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Storm Clouds On the Horizon...

The Papas has left and in good spirits as well. He regaled me in an episode of what we begrudgingly call the "key disease". The whole family except my departed mother has it. It might have been what put my mother in her early grave. It drove her crazy. We continually lose our keys despite our best efforts to keep up with them.

"I had your mother's car key as I was driving her car," dad regaled me. "I stopped at McDonald's to get a sausage biscuit and Senior coffee. I got all the way to the drug store and realized the keys to open the drug store were on a different keyring hung up in the kitchen on the key caddy."

Dad had to drive all the way back to his house to get the keys and the pharmacy was 20 minutes late opening.

Shall We Be Weather Friends?

I had called my father earlier telling him stormy weather was on the way. The radar was lit up like a Christmas tree. He showed up at a record 8 pm tonight. I was overjoyed. He soon skedaddled on out of here to miss the swath of heavy rain and thunderstorms on the way.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I miss hearing stories about your mom. I liked her, and for whatever reason always felt a little sorry for her.