Monday, October 01, 2018

Injection in the Morning…

Let us hope this goes a long way to making me feel better. I feel as if my long acting injection ran out long ago last week. It will be good to see Rebecca’s rosy cheeks in the morning. I’ve already called Old Fuss and Feathers and got him to fill the prescription so I am ready to go. I just have to drive by the pharmacy, grab the shot, and head to Kamath Medical in the morning.

Glittermom, I got Old Fuss and Feathers all hooked up and he is watching that Auburn football disc incessantly. I am glad I don’t have to live with him or he would be driving me crazy right now.  He turns the volume up so loud it rattles your eardrums. He is already hard of hearing and he likes it loud anyway on top of that.

My dearest Maggie has been wild tonight. I like to see her feeling her oats. Something has unlocked her inner puppy. All her chew toys are scattered about the house and she keeps running outside to bark awhile and flies back inside to keep up with me and what I am doing. She’s on a down moment right now licking her paws as she lay on the rug next to me and this computer room computer. That means she is sublimely content. It will take the slightest noise outside (squirrel fart) and then she will be tearing out the dog door to go bark another thirty minutes. If I were to say, “Here Kitty, Kitty,” she would go absolutely nuts.

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