Thursday, April 22, 2004

A cheater but doing well at it.......

I slept out in my tent in the back yard last night. Is that not sad? Am I that turned around that I have a perfectly good bed to sleep in but I insist on sleeping outside in a sleeping bag and tent?

I am cheating this morning. I came in around 6 AM and have turned the heat on. It is very chilly outside if you can call 60 degrees that. I am just spoiled. I feel like such a pussy.

Last winter I would get up when the temperature was 25 degrees and get a fire started. I had learned to sleep with my clothes on and my shoes and socks in the sleeping bag with me so they would be warm. Nothing sucked worse than putting on a cold pair of blue jeans or frozen tennis shoes on a very cold morning. I learned that lesson really quick.

I still have no email from Godzilla. My ex-wife has the password to her email account and I am sure she has gone and deleted it since I told her I sent it. I guess I will just have to call on the phone and air my grievances that way. I will not let this rest though. She is an evil, mean spirited person and those people always fold under the truth or when someone speaks up to them. She will hear my piece of mind and then she will scamper away and be quiet. I assure you she will not call my mother again over some petty bullshit and be mean.

I am so hungry this morning and I am going to get breakfast started. I am just going to be simple and fix some toast, bacon, and grits. I am going to splurge and put lots of butter in my grits and enjoy them. I am not in the mood to diet this morning. Well, off I go to get the breakfast started….

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