Monday, March 26, 2007

A Ring in the Night

I was lying in bed last night. The time was near midnight. I had the ringer to my phone turned off and my answering machine caught the call. All I could hear was someone breathing and a television on in the background and they hung up without saying anything. I have a good idea it was Carolyn. Good thing I didn’t pick up that phone. I couldn’t deal with another guilt trip last night. I still care about her deeply and want her to be okay, but I know it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. It is best not to say anything in the heat of the moment that I would later regret. I was afraid I might blurt out that four letter word…L-O-V-E.
I am not happy with how I have been writing lately. I am my own worst critic. My descriptions of my life and interactions with people are so plain and matter of fact. I wish I could be a more capable word weaver and incorporate more descriptive writing filled with metaphors and similes.
This morning I once again set out for my daily walk. The sweet smell of the many spring flowers blooming was upon the air and set a splendid ambiance for this nice and warm spring morning. I felt so good today and my spirits were in good cheer despite only four hours of sleep. I have just resigned myself to the fact that my body doesn’t need much sleep these days.

I arrived home and was entirely too lazy to fix a big breakfast and just made some buttered toast in my toaster oven. I sat eating my toast as I read over what I wrote last week. I am not happy with how I have been writing lately. I am my own worst critic. My descriptions of my life and interactions with people are so plain and matter of fact. I wish I could be a more capable word weaver and incorporate more descriptive writing filled with metaphors and similes. I am an entirely lazy writer and most blog entries take only a few short minutes to write and to publish. I really need to start taking more time with my writing and actually write a draft and then revise it. Knowing me though, I will just continue on with the status quo. I guess I better just take the good with the bad. If I make blogging a chore and work then this blog will die and I will no longer write.

I hope you all have a good day today. Of course, I will stop by your blogs to see how my online friends are doing. Take care all of you and thanks so much for being a part of my life with the wonderful comments you send my way. I do appreciate them very much and they make blogging worthwhile. Have a great day my dear friends.

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simonsays said...

Andrew, you are such a critic---I love your writing, just the way it is. Keep it up! Have a great day, Jamie

alphabet soup said...

Just keep on writing the way you write Andrew, it all reads fine to me.

austere said...

For your information, sir, similes and metaphors are BORING.
Just write.

Summer said...

What Austere said!

KYRIE said...

Ya I think you a have honest writing style ur words are very descriptive. You got a talent n I enjoy reading ur stuff! I just started reading for a couple of days n I am already a fan of ur blog. Have a good day n keep on fighting the good fight.

New Updates said...

just let it flow bro. Good luck with your blog from our new service It's the top place for advertisers to reach blogworld and for bloggers to save real money when you're blog shopping. Try it today and see for yourself.

Terri said...

plain and matter of fact are not two words I would use to describe your writings, Andrew. More like colorful and insightful - why do you think you have so many readers? I certainly would not have stayed over these 6-8 months if you were plain and matter of fact!

C.A. said...

Andrew, I adore your blog, and your writing style. You've been such an inspiration to me to keep my own blog up to date. Please don't change. :)


Cindi Ann

kathleen said...

I've heard that we are our own worst critic, and I suppose it's true. My writing sucks most of the time, but I have my days when I need to unload my thoughts and blogging does it for me.

I like your writing. I hope you always write.

fatty said...

i've read your blog for awhile and never commented. shame on me. you're writing is great, sincere and brutally honest. your words always paint a picture for me, which is what good writing is supposed to do.
keep writing from your heart!

wstaple said...

Your writing is real, not fake, and that's why your blog is on my daily reading list.

Amanda said...

Just write

Best advice I heard all day.

Have a great day Andrew!

EE said...

Sometimes, less is more. I love your blog...I check in a few times a day to see what you're up to!

Cheryl said...

I think the jury is out...keep doing what you're doing. Your audience of friends keep growing, so you must be doing it right. I love your writing just the way it is.

Xte said...

I love your blog and your style and am continually amazed at how wonderfully you draw me right into the experiences of your day/life through it....

I am envious!! Don't change a thing!!

zirelda said...

You do fine... although I could have sworn you said metaphores and smilies.....

I look forward to reading your blog.


fiwa said...

Andrew, I love the way you write. Please don't make it a chore for yourself, that would mean less posts.

By the way, I cracked and read the description of your lunch yesterday. Now I'm craving fried chicken!

Have a great day -

Andrew said...

LOL! So sorry Fiwa. I will have to start adding a "food disclaimer" to the start of those posts just for you. :-p

Anonymous said...

Andrew - your writing is already great. I accidentally stumbled on your blog one day while hitting "next blog" and now I check it at least once a day.

But, you know, you might enjoy something like a creative writing class. Trust me, your instructor will LOVE you, because they won't have to correct much of anything about your grammar or work too hard to get you to use dialogue effectively! You are a natural!


Jenna said...

Just write, it makes your sould feel better, besides what ever is wrong with honesty?

Red Robin. said...

I just caught this.

"My descriptions of my life and interactions with people are so plain and matter of fact."

People are there own worst critics. Unless their ego maniacs. I would say, be the breeze Andrew, without thought or consideration of yourself.

People will appreciate it because of the uniqueness of you. What we consider to be right wrong, bad good, is only a consideration. Not fact. It cannot reflect the mulititude and versitility of appreciation and understanding that all life has.

There is no way, at all, ever, to write a thing that will be perfect. It simply attracts those that hum with the same vibration.

Or whatever.

People will get what they want from things, because of who they are.

Don't worry yourself with thoguhts of good or bad. Just write, just be you. You've been endowed with everything you've ever needed.

Same with all people and all animals.

I'll cut that off there. I could go on forever...

Melanie said...

hi andrew, i came across your blog in random surfing and am *so* glad that i did. your writing is very descriptive and introspective...seriously, there is no need to try to fill it up with "flowery word bouquets", it is excellent just as it is. thanks for offering such an authentic window into your journey through life. i'll be back by here often. ~melanie