Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Chasing Away my Demons…

I let Maggie out at 4am to a flurry of barking; hair bristling and tail erect she chases away the demons that inhabit my backyard. I only wish she could chase away the demons that inhabit my schizophrenic mind.

“Go get ‘em Maggie,” I say to egg her on, enjoying her exuberance.

I light a cigarette and sit down upon my back deck in the warm and damp early spring air as a thick fog rolls in off that grand Chattahoochee just a mile away. Maggie comes back upon the deck for a vigorous back rub and another dose of dog courage. She alights anew across the yard barking with even more vigor. I cringe to think of what my neighbors must think of our early morning forays out into the dark of the night in these early hours.

Yesterday was a grand day and one that I will cherish for a long time. I thought this morning of how succinct my daily routines must be. I have been spending a lot of time down at the shopping center where something interesting is always happening. It is much more interesting than sitting at home in front of a computer, writing. I am actually out getting up writing material instead of waiting for it to come to me. I also participated in my daily ritual of eating at Rodger’s. It was a fantastic lunch and I enjoyed the vegetables and stewed apples immensely.

This morning will once again find me spending my last ten dollars at the diner eating breakfast only to mosey on up to the shopping center to see what’s going on. Lunch will find me over at Rodger’s eating the daily special of meatloaf, my favorite meal. Hopefully, this afternoon will find me entangled in some more interesting experiences upon which I can write about on the blog. Here's to hoping it will be another grand day. Good Morning and good day.

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austere said...

A fine morning and top of the line day, Andrew!

Andrew said...

A fine morning to you too, Austere. Have a great day. I guess yours is close to ending now and night will soon fall. I find that so interesting. Take care!


simonsays said...

Good morning to you too, Andrew! It's nice to know I am not the only one in this world that gets up way before the chickens! Jamie

Summer said...

Good morning Andrew! I wish both of us could sleep. Have a great day.

Andrew said...


I loved your euphemism about getting up before the chickens. My grandmother always said that on very early morning when she would awake before sunrise.


Good morning. Yes, I wish you and I could sleep like the rest of world instead of being up well before the crack of dawn. Love ya.


Cheryl said...

Here's to a grand day! The sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom (out your way) and spring is in the air. I, myself, got 9 hours of uninterupted sleep last night. I feel like yodeling.

Dorid said...

Andrew, I hope you're having as wonderful a day there as I'm having here... it's truely beautiful. One of those days that makes you happy to be alive.

I want you to know how much reading your blog means to me. Through all your ups and downs you've maintained a courage and dignity that I respect. I also think reading you helps other people shed some of their preconceptions and prejudice about schizophrenia. I know from my experience with my son that so many people have such negative images, and don't understand how anyone with mental illness can lead a full and normal life, despite the challenges.

I am so glad I came across your blog.

Have a wonderful day!

Proxima said...

Hey Andrew,
Cheryl feels like yodeling, you should give her tips on setting up an audioblog so we can all hear her. Ha, ha, ha

I hope you are ready for a nap now. Your eyelids are getting heavy, very heavy. Head hits the keyboard zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sweet dreams