Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Shackles of Society

Me and Rosa went for our early morning walk. It is hard to believe these cool mornings turn into 100 degree days.

"Why are you so quiet?" Rosa asked me as we walked.

"Bah, it's my diet," I replied. "I either eat too much, or don't eat enough. It's frustrating and depressing."

And it has been weighing on my mind lately. My medications cause a ravenous hunger. An empty feeling in the pit of my stomach that can't be satiated. I have been eating myself out of house and home. Just thinking about my diet caused thoughts of breakfast to come to mind. Images of sharp cheddar cheese eggs accompanied with Clark Brother's sausage and homemade buttery biscuits danced within my mind.

"Have you thought of going to Weight Watchers with your mother?" Rosa asked.

"It seems like too much trouble," I replied. "Dieting should be simple. You eat less and exercise more to lose weight."

My car was parked at the Post Office. I took Rosa home and gorged upon breakfast completely negating any effects of our mile morning walk. I felt so guilty, but I was so hungry. I realized then that I would rather be fat and happy than be a miserable old person wracked with guilt and remorse over enjoying a simple breakfast. Society places so much pressure upon us to be thin and it gets old. I decided this morning to cast off those shackles and throw my dieting woes to the wind.


LM said...

Dieting sucks, I agree!

Try following the new Food Pyramid. You can stuff yourself on fruits and veggies, as well as the other daily food requirements, and feel full. Water helps, too.

I recently came across your blog and enjoy it, Andrew. I believe you and Rosa are true soul-mates. I admire you for how you have turned your life around.

Tee said...

Dont' get discouraged about your "diet". Weight Watchers is a very good program. I too struggle with my weight and I'm not on any kind of meds! I'm going to First Place, a program at my church. It's really good. You just have to change your eating style. I know, I know, southern food is so delicious. You see I grew up here in south as well and those biscuits with butter sound mighty good! Then there's cornbread--that's another story for another day! Believe it or not you do need fat in your diet, just the right kind. Soooo, for breakfast I usually eat 1 cup of Fiber One Cereal with 1/2 cup of Silk (that is soy milk, I don't do well with cow's milk), a cup of coffee with Splenda and a scrambled egg. It's a great breakfast. Sometimes I change from cereal to oatmeal, because that is really better for you, keeps the ole HDL/LDL in check! Then we try to eat chicken or fish with veggies. It's really not that hard once you adjust, in fact I don't think I could go back to all that heavy fat food I used to eat, my body just doesn't do well when I try. You just need to be in a group of people that will give you encouragement.

Anonymous said...

What are you gonna do when Rosa dumps your fatass.

C.A. said...

I struggle with the same thing every single day. I try and get to the gym daily, but I love to eat. That's the simple fact. It stinks. :( I do so love reading about your meals though. Vivid and descriptive, it makes me feel like I'm there, too.

Have a good Tuesday, Andrew.


simonsays said...

What a terrible thing to say, anonymous...

Andrew---It is hard to fight the weight thing, and medication can make it a nightmare....just keep walking, you will keep your weight down...:)

Blufeenix said...

Its hard, I know. Like I said before WW is a good program, I lost 30lbs with it and have lost 10 so far this go around ( yes i gained mine back after 3 years due to stress)

Little steps, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, add high fiber, high protein foods in your meals to keep you fuller longer.

When your use to that add in more fruits and veggies. Remember you can eat anything, but in moderation.

Whitney said...

I think I need to take some of this advice too. New food pyramid sounds great. I have been trying to stay away from breads and pasta but I am a bread-aholic. Tried the Adkins diet and lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks and kept it off for some time. Then just recently packed them back on. I think it is just that time of year. Hot and lazy makes me eat!

Andrew, ignore anonymous' comment. Rosa loves you for who you are not what you look like. You know that!

Have a great day!!

scribe_reborn said...

ah, the beginning of free thought...eating whatever the hell we want.

kathyj333 said...

I think you should concentrate on being healthy and not worry about your weight. Walking helps balance chemicals, too. Take care.

Joshua said...

Whenever I walk I walk for 20 kilometers.

korn orkut said...

ola mi add no msn traxartgugu@gotmail.com

Stacy said...

I'm totally with you Andrew. But it is so damn hard to loose weight. I'm Italian and crave pasta & cheese! When I was younger it wasn't a problem, but now that I'm in my 30's and have had three kids it's another story. I have the feeling it is something I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. If only I could close my eyes and lose these damn 30 lbs. UGH!! Oh, your breakfast sounded great :)

Chloe said...

I like the way you think, Andrew!


mental masterbation..or wait-am I in the wrong posting?

Pen and the Sword said...

Everyone knows what this is like. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I had to hike an hour every day and eat like a rabbit to lose the weight. Then I had twins. Nuff said there ;o)

Do what you want to do to make yourself feel happy and comfortable, but within reason. Extra weight is hard on your heart, can bring on diabetes, and can generally just make you feel bad about yourself.

pattycakes said...

anonymous's statement was simply a cruel thing to say , and so not true , we all know rosa loves you no matter what , simply ignore that persons comment, you are a great guy , anyone of us would love to be with you :)