Monday, August 13, 2007

To Post, or Not to Post...

I was seriously thinking of quitting blogging today. It was the first time in ages I sat down after a busy day and couldn't just write. I decided to write about what is going on with me instead, in lieu of the usual "day in the life" stuff I post.

I have been blogging with only very short breaks since 2004 when I was homeless and discovered The Homeless Guy's blog by accident which was wildly popular at the time. I was trying to find tips on the Internet about making homelessness in the winter more survivable and comfortable. I didn't find much that could help a homeless person on his blog, but he did encourage me to write about my own experiences with homelessness, and they were nothing like his. It was then that I discovered the joy of writing and keeping a journal and joined the homeless blogger's webring and immediately gathered a few readers such as Pipe Tobacco. I would sit in my tent on cold, cloudy days as I drank beer and thought of things to write when I would sneak over to my deceased grandmother's house at night to get on the Internet. I still have that written journal and treasure it. My scribbled writings are such a tangible reminder of those interesting times I experienced and lived through. I was reading through an entry in that journal today and I think my skills as a writer have vastly improved.

I realize a lot of writings bring up questions. I seem to get a lot in the comments these days from the anonymous bandstand. You would really have to start at the beginning of this blog to follow along with my life for the past few years and understand what some of these recent posts mean and the profound change my life has undergone. It always amuses me when someone accuses me of making this stuff up when I could write vastly more interesting blog posts of fiction and make this a much more popular blog. I would have never shared my alcoholism, mental illness, or the tenuous relationship with my father as well. As that, I fear, alienates a good portion of the people that might read.

I have read some of the most popular blogs on the Internet and could easily emulate what they do if I wanted. I took writing dialogue from Waiter Rant for example and another homeless blogger named Michael Hussey who wrote an infinitely hilarious journal about homeless people in Tampa, Florida. I would go down to the shopping center to gather stories about George on the vein of Michael's posts about his homeless friend who was a crackhead whose jovial excuse for every screw up in life was, "Cause I'm a crackhead!" My friend, George, was far more tame of an individual than Michael's homeless friend, George. Proving to be not so exciting writing material, but I think many enjoyed the posts about George and the gang.

Do I worry about all I've shared and put up on the web? Yes, sometimes. It could take a moment of irrationality on my part to put my real name and hometown up to have the whole world having access to a play by play version of my life for the past three years. My anonymity affords me a certain amount of comfort in writing this blog and makes me feel like less of an ass for sharing such intimate details of my life. Hopefully, I will write again in the morning and am just experiencing a malaise today.


Summer said...

Ha! YOU and ass. Not likely. You know we love you.

C. R. Morris said...

Please don't stop writing. It will pass... I would hate to not have your blog to read. Everyone needs a break, right? Hang in there. Your blog is my absolute favorite.

Glenda J said...

Andrew--Please don't stop. I really enjoy hearing about your life. I am a middle aged wannabe blogger that admires your candid style. You are often the first blog I read and by far the most honest. Keep up the good work and BTW--Would love to read your book. Maybe that might be a way to cure the writer's block--grin.

Girrrrl said...

Hey, I found your blog randomly and I've been reading some of it. I think it's really amazing, and I don't blame you for not putting your real name and hometown, I don't either. Don't quit writing<3

Deborah said...

Thanks for sharing from your heart. You are a good writer, whether it's your dialogue style, letting us walk through your day with you, or like today, letting us hear from your heart. It is a courageous thing to write as you do, but I know many people are encouraged by you. And we want to encourage you in return! Hang in there!

justLacey said...

I enjoy your writing about your life. Why not blog a fictional story or two?I would enjoy reading that also. Whatever makes you feel good and happy. That's all that is important. I actually had an incident with a guy who's blog i followed. He had everyone so sucked in to his story and we spoke quite a bit on instant messenger. Well, turned out his whole story was a lie. Last I heard he may even be she. People do all sorts of weird stuff under the cloake of anonymity. Would love to have know the real deal behind that one though...

Chandira said...

Hey, it takes a lot of courage to keep writing any kind of blog that reveals the more intimate parts of our lives for the whole world to read. But you know what, it's so healing for others who have been there also, to read it, whatever it is.
I have never given out my exact own details, but I do use my real name.
I've also never sold out to the more popular formula of what makes a good blog, and I'm glad I didn't, I love my blog. I'm a real person, with real things going on, and that's what we all need, a slice of reality. God knows it's hard enough to find that in the general media lately.

eggplantlegs said...

Please don't quite blogging. Your blog entries have been very interesting, and you're an excellent writer! Keep up the good work, my lad.

Windrider said...

Hi Andrew,

After reading all of your archives, I have to say that if you stopped writing the blogosphere would be darker place without you. Seriously.

The style and candor with which you write is wonderful. And judging by the comments that are often left on your posts, you give people hope.

I struggle not to reveal too much in my writing as well. In fact, I sometimes feel that the level of anonymity I feel I'm forced to maintain stifles what I can say. But if I were too open I could easily reveal too much and lose my job.

My suggestion is to post what you want, when you want. Don't succumb to the pressure of feeling you have to post everyday. Then I't just becomes toil.

Damien Riley said...

The kind of writing you do is the agony for the ecsatsy. Doing it with style is the art of it. Hang in, get a little rest, go do something fun. You'll be back, I can tell you are blogger for life!!!

Eric Valentine said...

Andrew, I doubt you could quit blogging really, for you excel in the things you do so well and that is writing.

I can understand you having days when nothing comes out of the pen but dust, I have days like that myself, especially this week.

So you just carry on with the way you are going. You just know that tomorrow or the tomorrow after that, you will be back on the ball.
Goodd luck. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't stop writing. Any idiot can tell that you have talent and your writing style is genuine. I could definitely see you as a prolific American novelist someday--in the veins Steinbeck or Faulkner.

abbagirl74 said...

WELL!!! As a friend who has read from the very beginning, your writing is straight from the heart and is all yours. It's hard to fake that post after post. The real you would eventually come to surface if you were making this up. Hogwash to the critics. Their opinion only matters if you want it to. You are so strong dear Andrew. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. I always tell you that. Hang in there booger, this to shall pass. Love ya!

mosiacmind said...

I would really miss reading your blog if you stopped yet want you to do what is good for you. I know one idea that works well for me is that I do not put pressure on myself to write daily if I do not want to do so. I am so glad that I am able to comment.

Pen and the Sword said...

Your blogs inspire and educate me, Andrew. Please do not stop posting. Because of your raw honesty and sharing your experiences I was able to write about mine for the first time on a public venue. I would hate to click on the link to read and not find your wonderful writes here one day. That would really suck. So please keep writing.

Ellie said...

I think that your talent is extraordinary. You have a gift, and it makes me so happy to see you using it. I found your blog just a day or so ago, and now I try and read it everyday. This is such an interesting blog.

Mary said...


A few months ago you wanted to start a support group and felt that it didn't work out. I believe it did. Yes, it is in a different format than you planned but it is just as effective. An indeterminable number of readers are given hope and understanding because you choose to share your inner feelings, struggles, and insights with your readers. I'm certainly one of those readers.

I understand how hard it is to deal with the posts that try to make you feel violated. We never know what may have happened in their life to drive them to feel they have to blow out someone else's candle so their own can shine brighter. It's sad really.

I hope you don't decide to close your blog. I would be one of the many who would miss you lots of lots! You know we love and appreciate you. You don't need to change a thing.

Paultera135 said...

cool site visit mine and comit

M said...

Well, I could say alot of things but what I want to go on record as saying:

I don't think Waiter Rant is all that good. I like your blog alot better and I like your writing style better.

Alright, I said it. It doesn't really relate to your post but I just had to say it.

M said...

oh..and ps...I had two or three other blogs beside the one I write now...I decided to get rid of them because it is easier to post at one place...

Some of what I wrote on the deleted blogs is still on the web!! It is like a spider web that you are trying to brush off. You think you have it all and then you find another piece still hanging on. So, your imprint is made on the net whether you stop posting today or post for another 10 years.

Anonymous said...

please dont quit writing , i love your blog , i read it first thing in the morning and again at nite . everyone has moments that they have nothing to say , its ok , just take a little rest and do some fun things with rosa , she seems to make you quite happy :) you are one of the most interesting writers in blogland i have run across , and i would hate to lose you . have a good nites sleep :)

Stacy said...

Sounds like you need to take a day or two (or more) off. Don't pressure yourself. I know that you are a genuine person and I enjoy your blog. I'm sorry you're not having the best of days.

Cheryl said...

HI Andrew,
I'm catching up from Sunday. I can't believe how lax I've become. It's like I don't want to take any time away from the beach. I have to store up a lot of memories. You know how attached I am to you. I love your writing... any form of it. Just keep doing what you do best.

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