Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Good Lunch Today, but Fattening...

I've been on a cooking binge. Dad said I needed to gain weight and, by God, I am giving it my best effort. Today, I had broccoli and chicken fettuccini. I let Maggie eat the left overs. She was in Heaven. She still won't eat her dog food.

Maggie eats around the broccoli. She takes a cue from George Bush, Sr.

1 comment:

Joy Heather said...

Can you blame she as tasted all those wonderful meals that you have ??...i wouldn't want to go back to dog food long as she eats Meat & Veg in here diet..she will be fine..does she eat the dried food sometimes ??..that can be added as an extra and she may take it...its worth a try..but she looks healthy & happy anyway.