Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanks to You All!

Well, at midnight tonight, it will have been six days smoke free!  I never would have thought I would have made it this far.  The peer pressure online has certainly helped.  And it has also helped that I am broke at the moment - not a dollar to my name.  The means when the terrible cravings strike, I can't just drive down the street to Rectum and buy a pack of smokes. 

Yesterday was the hardest day yet.  I now know why so many people with mental illness smoke.  It is calming and comforting. It soothes the nerves. 

Well, I can't wait till midnight tonight.  My big goal is seven days - a whole week.  I'll see ya later smoke free alligator!


Joy Heather said...

Well Done Andrew..another day gone..you can do it !!...put the money you would spend on ciggies into a jar each day (when you have it) and after a month, do something or buy yourself something nice with it..its an incentive...Well done.

Karen :-) said...

Okay Andrew!! Way to go.

mago said...

Do some running or pushups, something where you need to breath heavy.

(M)ary said...

it will be good for your health! i guarantee it.

my mom had a stroke in 20006 and my dad a heart attack this year, both were relted to smoking.

Golden To Silver Val said...

I wish I would have done this....if I would have, I would have had quite the little nest egg. Put the money you would have spent on your cigarettes in a piggy bank and every month you can take yourself out or buy something you'd like with the money.....or just let it keep accumulating. Figure it out....the money adds up fast! In the meantime....you're doing great Andrew...keep up the good work. Its a win-win situation. Another great benefit is that in about another week or so....your food will taste SO GOOD...you'll be surprised. Your taste buds have been coated with nicotine for a long time. You will soon begin to taste flavors that you haven't experienced since you were a kid!

Summer said...

I am so happy for you for making it this far. And it is FAR for a smoker. Keep the faith.

Gail said...

Hi! I just wanted to mention that sometimes the body sends you a craving mixed-up message for a smoke when it needs water. You might try that too.
Best of luck! I know that you can do this.

Leann said...

Great job Andrew *hugs*

forsythia said...

Wow, keep at it. My addiction is to candy corn, as I've told you, but the smoker in our family---who quit, successfully--tells me that the craving does go away. You won't be plagued by it forever. Don't do what a friend of mine did, though. He quit smoking, began sucking Lifesavers instead. The money he saved by not smoking went to the dentist.

justLacey said...

Rectum? LMAO! Interesting name for a store. You're doing great keep up the good work.

Sharon said...

Trust me, the craving WILL eventually go away. I haven't smoked in 25 years, and I don't miss it at all, especially considering the price of cigarettes today! Yikes! Good luck to you, we're in total support of you. - Sharon -

Irishcoda said...

Way to go, Andrew! I quit cold when I found out I was pregnant with my son. He is 22 years old now but, Andrew, I will never ever forget how hard it was to kick nicotine! I applaud you for what you're doing--I know how hard it is! I drank gallons of water the first 3 weeks to help flush the nicotine from my system. Do you have toothpicks or popsicicle sticks? I chewed them up too. After those 3 weeks, the physical cravings stopped and then it was just the emotional need but that finally went away too. Hang in there!

pattycakes said...

your so doing great on everything you set out to do , way to go , and just think of maggie who will have clean lungs too lol

2sunset said...

Boo ha ha!

Cheers on the 6 days. Keep it up!
: )


Cheryl said...

The store can't really be called Rectum, can it? That is a hoot!!!

Did you really loose 100 pounds this year? Is the the Andrew that I've known and loved for so long (blush).

Happy for you. Happy, happy. You are a strong man.

impromptublogger said...

WTG Andrew!!!! I think you will have off and on get cravings since I know people who've quit for months and then they get stressed and start back up again.

Keep up the good fight! I'm proud of you.