Monday, December 28, 2009

Damn-it! I Hit Another Deer!

Well, I hit another deer this afternoon on the way to feed my parent's cats.  The last time I hit one a few months ago it cost $1900 dollars to get it fixed.  This is not near as bad, but it is sickening to look at and worry about.  My poor car! 

I went by the police station and got the correct form to fill out for my insurance.  The officer on duty asked me, "What about the deer?  Do we need to send someone out there to get it off the road?" "What about my poor car?" I thought aggravated.  I told the officer that the deer bounded off the road into the woods seemingly unscathed. 


justLacey said...

Wow that is some damage. Thank heaven for insurance. I'm glad you and the deer are both ok.

Andrew said...

Thank you Lacey. Yes, thank goodness for insurance. I just hope my rates don't go up this being my second deer encounter!

~Christina~ said...

well if this isnt a pisser!

I have a friend in Texas who drives alot for work. He is known as the Roadking Killer for all the animals he hits on the road. He, like you, is such a sweet heart that all God's animals just are attracted to you and want to be around you :)

What does Maggie say about this?


Andrew said...

Christina, I got the biggest smile and chuckle out of what you wrote about your friend and me! I am just attracted to loving deer that want to "play". I brought some deer hair in that was stuck in the car's grill for Maggie to sniff (I just couldn't resist) and she thought that was the most interesting thing and didn't want me to take it away! LOL

christina said...

I saw that deer hair in your grill.. ewwwwww something only a dog would love! now are we going to see that in another production of "Maggie Rules the Roost"?

Andrew said...

Christina, I will try to get up a video tomorrow if Maggie is still interested in it after already sniffing it! She can be such a fickle dog sometimes. hehe

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Ya just can't let things like this get you all worked up. This was an accident. It's not like you went out intentionally looking for something to hit. You didn't chase it across the yard and run it down. The poor thing jumped out in front of you and you had no choice.

This is a common road hazard where you live. Here in Florida, we get deer, bob cats and armadillos! In fact, my brother-in-law hit a buzzard last year and did $3,000 in damage to his pickup truck!

I would think your dad and the insurance company will understand without a problem.

It's done - it's over with - no point in worrying about it now.

Smile and hug Maggie for me!

Andrew said...

Grannie, I am okay about it. I am actually pretty upbeat tonight. I am not going to let it get me down. Dad sure will freak, though. "What are you? A deer magnet?" he will probably think. Oh well. Thanks as always for your support. You mean a lot to me!

Leann said...

I'm glad both you and the deer are o.k. Andrew. It always amazes me that so little damage can result in such a high repair cost!!

Lena said...

I was driving down the street last week and ahead of me, 3 deer leaped across the street. I was so lucky that I was far away enough so that I didn't hit them.

That sure is amazing that this is the second time you hit a deer. Glad it is not getting you down!

Accidents are always aggravating no matter how big or small.

I am sure glad you didn't get hurt!

Andrew said...

Leann, thank you! I sometimes think those repair shops fleece the customer, though. I am excited about you being with all your siblings. Sounds interesting!

Andrew said...

Lena, I know. Wasn't that just my luck? I have terrible luck. Dad often say that if there were a small pile of dog shit in a huge stadium, I'd find a way to step in it. I am beginning to think he is right!

Jenn said...

That sucks. Glad no one was injured.

kristi said...

I hit a baby cow when I was prego with Sara, it scared me so bad and did over $3000 damage to my car. Of course the damn cow died.

mommy2twogirls said...

Sorry about your car! After we hit the deer with the car up in the mountains a few years ago, S hit a deer near our house and it did a good deal worth of damage too. We live in the country and I actually surprised that I've never hit one, but I've seen many cross the road in front of me.