Sunday, December 13, 2009

Little Paws of Doom...

Imagine my horror when I walked into the bedroom late yesterday afternoon to find muddy footprints all over the sheets and comforter of the bed I sleep in.  "Damn-it to Hell, Maggie!" I mumbled accusingly.  Nothing a few cycles in the washing machine and dryer couldn't fix, though.  I wish she would realize she is doing this.  She is completely oblivious.  She looked at me while I started changing them like, "boy, these sheets sure are comfy now," as she lay on them.  I smiled as she wagged her tail.  You can't stay mad at that.

I didn't feel like going to Mrs. Florene's to eat breakfast and have communion this morning.  George called me back after I left a message on his cell phone and then Mrs. Florene got on the phone trying to persuade me to come.

"Baby, it won't be the same without you. I'm cooking your favorite Clarke Brother's sausage. I'll cook your favorite cheese eggs, too!" she pleaded over the phone.

"Mrs. Florene, my head is feeling abuzz.  I don't think I can drive," I told her.

I feigned mental illness, which was partly true, and settled in for a quiet, meditative, and relaxing morning of discovering new music.  I've been so into music lately and hope to get an Apple I-pod for Christmas to take on my walks.  The new ones are 160 gigabytes so I can literally bring my whole music collection with me on Maggie's and my jaunts.

Dad had his big Christmas party shindig for the pharmacy last night in Atlanta.  Mom and dad both came over afterwards to give me my mental health medications.  It was late and I had been groggily asleep.  Maggie was being stubborn when dad told her to get off the couch.  She was enamored with mom who was sitting next to me.

"Let's just say it's Maggie's birthday tonight!" I quipped with a big toothy grin on my face as I laughed.  I was punch and Risperdal drunk.

Mom burst out laughing and rubbed Maggie's belly. "It's your birthday, girl!" mom kept saying in baby talk.  Dad scowled and looked on menacingly.    Hell, I let her do what she wants to most days anyway. 

I have a date at two 'o' clock.  Well, mom is bringing my daily six Diet Cokes at that time.  I am so excited and giddy.  I can't wait.  It's Christmas come to town!  Don't ye olde soul need a life? (Laugh with me and not at me!)


(M)ary said...

Music-wise, I am really liking Vic Chestnutt right now. I heard him interviewed on a radio show called Fresh Air. His music is really haunting.

Andrew said...

Mary, I am searching as we speak for Vic Chestnutt. I love Fresh Air as well.

Andrew said...

Really liking Vic Chestnutt! Thanks for the heads up Mary!

Anonymous said...

It's great you answer comments now.Polite bloggers should respond to all queries asked by readers. All interesting blogs are really dialogues between many diverse people. Also , please keep anon comments on and don't rudely erase or ban any1 , esp. those with different povs. Wisely , you seem to worried that you have become stuck in a rut and that your creativity and intelligence are rotting. Well , there's no better way to nourish and broaden your mind than to muse over thoughtful criticism. Constant cheery remarks by old ladies might be sweet but they're junk food for the soul.

Maire said...

Hi Andrew :>)
I know that punch drunk feeling, LOL, from my Trileptal...I can be the best sugar mama in the world when I take it...sorry I haven't commented lately!
Hugs Maire

Andrew said...


Good to see you on here and thanks for commenting. I know that punch drunk feeling all too well as well! :)


Joy Heather said...

Hi Andrew..just to let you know i dont find your blogs boring in any way..just a reflection of how you are feeling and vary would read them if they didn't enjoy them...but then again i think i may be one of those 'cheery old ladies' that Anonymous spoke about LOL...many of us oldies have LOTS of opinions and are not afraid to air them...but there is a time and a place..!!! i have 2 chatty, one much more serious..i would be happy to hear the views of that particular person..even if they are diametrically opposed to my own..that is what makes life intersting...but i enjoy your blog for what it is..only change the content if & when YOU want to Andrew....lots of folk love you & your blog..Take Care...Joy ( a rather old lady)