Friday, August 28, 2015

The Ill Among Us–We Comfort Them…

LinksysE1000RouterCharlie’s oldest son is very, very sick after the surgery on his pancreas.   He says he is still in a lot of pain.  He still has drainage tubes running out of his chest.  My brother, the esteemed doctor within the family, went over to see him today and assess the situation.  He wrote a couple of prescriptions and told the home health care nurse to get a morphine drip going so we could reduce the pain.

“Would you like to get on the internet?” I asked Alan this afternoon as I had tagged along and he excitedly said yes squeezing my hand firmly.

I called Charlie at work and he said the house is already hooked to the internet, but Alan couldn’t get to a computer with him being bed ridden.

“I’ve got a handle on the situation,” I told Charlie and then hung up.

I got my extra wireless router covered with dust and languishing in my computer room, an extra Ethernet cable, and my iPad with a clean install of iOS (the hardest part) and installed them to where Alan could get on the internet. You’ve never seen a happier fellow.  Al has been a good friend to me and deserves no less. Alan got me the job working at the University all those many years ago and the hefty taxes on all those years working there got me a decent disability allotment when I got too ill to work.

“That’s the first time I’ve seen him smile in days,” Janice, Charlie’s wife, told me as I was leaving. 

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glittermom said...

Was the surgery for cancer? I hope he gets he at home now?

Tee said...

Prayers for Charlie's son.

Andrew said...

Yeah Gittermom, he is home now. thankfully they didn't find any cancerous cells when they performed the surgery.

glittermom said...

Let's pray he has a speedy recovery....did you know him growing up?

Andrew said...

Yeah, I knew Alan all my life growing up. Charlie and dad were always so inseparable.