Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Down and Out in the Valley…

12241476_639416419533538_3455667583816334023_nAm I forever destined to go alone on this earth besides friends and family? I would really like a romantic interest to spice things up.  I feel I am ready for it.

My batting average is terrible, though. I think Wendy even has me on block now or she is not following me anymore.  My ex-wife has me on block and Laura only talks to me if she needs to ask me a question about her medications to be relayed to my father.  

I had felt that I was at the point I could have a serious relationship again.  I guess my social anxieties are still getting in the way.  It is my social gaffes and cluelessness that have gotten me in this situation so far.  I thought if I actively and very forwardly pursued Wendy it would woo her to my side. That didn’t work so well. She got aggravated with me about it and pushed me away.  I was too forward to the point of being pushy I think. I guess she thought I was the stalker type of guy which is nothing like the guy I am.  I was just gambling I guess and I lost.  I was dealing with a strong willed redheaded woman. 

And yes, I can really tell I need my medications tonight.  Dad will arrive at around 9 or 9:30pm I hope with tonight’s dosage and I will have to wait until 9am in the morning for my injection in the old derrière.  He also has to buy groceries tonight for him and mom and I am so hoping he comes by here first.     


Christina said...

I just checked, Wendy doesn't have you blocked. If she did, she would not still appear in your friends list. Your ex wife, I can't tell as I don't know her name.

My suggestion is you speak to your therapist about this and take her direction. Maybe weekly therapy is in order to become more socialized? I don't know since I'm not you, but it does sound like an obstacle you cannot overcome on your own.

Also, take a moment to do a mini inventory and see if your paranoia is sparking up a notch. Your injection is tomorrow after all. You may just be low on your go-go juice ;)

Andrew said...

Thank you for the words of encouragement, Christina! I do appreciate it.