Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Happy Camper Greets You...

We were sitting on the couch a moment ago with the Magster between us taking my medications when my father asked, "Do you want to run down to the K and get a big ass drink? I'm thirsty!"

"Sure!" I excitedly exclaimed as I stood up and pulled on a jacket.

I was ready to go in mere seconds.

It only took us a moment to drive down the street to the Circle K.  Dad got a 32oz diet Coke and I got two 32oz Sobe Citrus drinks.  I was a very happy camper.  I like it when we are spontaneous like that.  It breaks up the monotony of our usual daily routines and there were all kinds of interesting looking people to gawk at tonight if you like people watching like I do.

Dad also brought a big Tupperware container of Janice's homemade vegetable beef soup.  In a Ziploc bag were two very healthy portions of Mexican cornbread.  I just have to let my medications finish soaking in about 11 pm and then I will have a good and supplemental supper before I retire around midnight.

Dad still has all his grocery shopping to do tonight and it is almost 11 pm and Kroger closes at Midnight.  Dad showed me the list my mother, the secretary, had made for him and it was pretty lengthy.

I just called Charlie on the phone and his cataracts were completely removed and he will have healthy eyes again soon. I still have a lot of phone anxiety, but I made myself make that call so Charlie would know I was thinking about him.  It was awkward, but it is done and I hope Charlie knows I love him.

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