Sunday, January 03, 2016

The Colonel's Express...

A man proud of his chicken!

Well, fried chicken has been delivered and Charlie brought me 4! Coca-Colas since I like them so much. Charlie's a bit obsessive compulsive himself like my mother and I. I also got the 3pc meal and I lucked out that I got two breast pieces. I pulled the meat off a thigh piece and that was Maggie's supper. There was a lot of tail wagging going on as I sat that paper bowl full of shredded chicken on the den floor.

Both dad and Charlie were in a jovial mood -- playing around and bantering with each other like brothers. That's why I call them the Dynamic Duo.

Dad and I then sat in my den and performed the medication ritual while Maggie vyed for my father's attention and affection.  Charlie was busy cleaning up the kitchen and taking out the trash, and making a whole hell of a lot of noise and racket doing it.

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