Saturday, January 16, 2016

Kind Parents Last Night...

Boy, I've had a time with my mental illness lately.  I was having problems with my anxiety attacks last night.  I called mom for a little comfort and dad got on the phone as well.  They were watching a rerun of Foyle's War on Netflix TV.

"You would think my medications would stop this," I forlornly told my father.

But I had taken them hours and hours beforehand my father reminded me and they had certainly begun to wear off.

"Do you want me to come over and take you to get one of your favorite drinks at the Circle K?" dad asked last night about 11 pm. "It might help to get your head out of the house."

The thought of all that sugar and caffeine swayed me from doing that.

"I'm fine," I told him. "Maggie and I just need to get in the bed."

It was cold and damp and I didn't want my father to get out in all that bad weather.  Just the mere offer was a comfort to me, though.  There was a time in my life where I would be accused of causing this anxiety from some indiscretion I had committed.  Times have certainly changed.

"Come over here and sleep on the couch," my mother then said. "I know how terrible those panic attacks can be."

I thanked mom and said I would pass.  Maggie and I got in the bed around midnight and were soon fast asleep.  I didn't wake up till 3 pm, though, the next day. I guess my body was trying to tell me something.

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