Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Don't Worry Maggie, Not Every One is Going to Get a Bath...

I turned on the bathwater to get it warm before I would ingress into the shower this morning. This always freaks Maggie out and she went flying out the dog door as fast as she can muster. Maggie is so afraid she will get wet. I got dressed and sat on the couch watching The Weather Channel waiting for my mother to arrive.

Mom was supposed to be here at 8:30am to get to her rehabilitation appointment on time. I called my father wondering about her.

"She left 15 minutes ago," he told me worriedly.

Soon, mom came pulling up in front of my house crawling along at a snail's pace.

"I am feeling shaky today," mom said with the word I use often to describe my many mentally ill states. "And something is scrubbing underneath  my car."

She has borrowed that adjective shaky from me.

I looked under the car and mom has busted loose and torn the underpinning of the car below the engine. I told her is was a simple and inexpensive fix.

"We can go inside and change the appointment for tomorrow," I told her.

"Let's go ahead and get this done and I will be finished for a week," she said.

I hadn't been home from rehabilitation 30 minutes when my mother called again.

"I forgot I have to go to the dentist tomorrow," mom told me. "Will you take me?"

My father then got on the phone and then explained the situation to me. 9:00am is also my Risperdal Consta injection for my schizophrenia.

"Your mother will get her tooth fixed while you are going to get your shot I hope," my father said.

I told my father that was fine and I would take care of it.

"We're trying to keep your mother off the road!" he said.

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