Thursday, September 22, 2016

Well, Here Goes Nothing...

I think "Well, here goes nothing!" was said by Han Solo in one of the Star Wars films. RIP Han Solo -- one of my favorite Star Wars characters.

It was 7am this morning as I sat on the edge of my bed after a shower and I was dressing. Shaving would come next which is a big pet peeve of my father's. "Show some pride in yourself," he will often tell me.

"Could I do this?" I asked myself. I was feeling very shaky and wobbly on my feet this morning. It am in a khaki shorts and t-shirt mood -- no dressing up today. I call my dress casual and not the homeless guy look as my father will say.

Oh, Maggie! Where art thou? Maggie was on the computer room bed licking the pillow I slept on all night. What compels her to do this, I do not know. She does it all the time.

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