Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Accolades From a Stern and Stoic Fellow...

"Despite all the odds he faces, he never complains," my father told my brother last night on his cellphone. "He never complains about all the medications he has to take as well."

I was in the kitchen getting a bottle of cold water out of the fridge to take my medications with.

Well, that statement just made me beam with pride. I smiled as I stood up straight after closing my refrigerator door. I very rarely get accolades like this from my father. Very rarely! I've told my father a dozen times that you can catch more flies with honey and not with vinegar when it concerns myself. I have good days and bad days like all of us. Let's just be glad the good days outnumber the bad days by far lately.

"You've been drinking!" I told me father as I walked back in the den with my water.

"I swear I haven't," my father reparteed back letting me smell his breath.

I then asked to feel his forehead as he must be coming down with some illness. I wanted to see if he was running a fever. My father laughed nervously.

"It is just you never say much to me about my life like you just said to my brother," I told my father.

Like once in a thousand times before, my father and I took my medications and then gave Maggie fresh food and water. My father was soon on the way home after working a ten hour shift.

Food Blunders?

Remember that Kroger vegetable juice I purchased from Kroger last Monday night? Well, it is a horrible and most terrible concoction. There is not nearly enough sodium in it and it tastes watery --bereft of enough vegetables.. I was so disappointed this morning as I poured a glass along with some very spicy Kroger hot sauce and sat down in front of the computer. No wonder the $3.99 V-8 was so much more expensive than the $2.69 Kroger version.

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