Thursday, January 26, 2017

Malfunction Junction...

As I opened my eyes, my bedside clock was blinking 12:00 and the sun shone brightly through my window. Oh shit! The power must've gone out overnight! I ran over to my computer, booted it up and realized I had 10 minutes until time to make it to my injection. Dad had forgotten to call me as well. It was a perfect storm of events as far as my injection is concerned.

I grabbed a baseball cap to cover my disheveled hair and I was out the door still wearing my sleeping gear -- sweat pants and a t-shirt. I did manage to grab a coat hanging on the coat rack by the piano. It was chilly this morning. I got on busy Hwy 29 and headed for the pharmacy at great speed. (thank you, Honda)

"Thank you for being on the ball about that," my father told me remorsefully and with a grimace as he noticed me walking in. "I forgot all about calling you!"

He immediately got to working on filling my prescription as the pharmacy technician pitched in.

By some miracle, I sat down in the doctor's office lobby at 9:15 AM. My appointment was for 9:00 AM.

"I was beginning to worry very much about you," Rebecca, my nurse, said almost immediately. "Come on back."

I had never been so very glad to see someone in my whole life. I looked up grinning! My anxiety I was experiencing about this process melted away. She hugged my neck, told me sorry about what happened to my mother, and immediately began to prepare my injection which went without a hitch.

Pat had my next appointment set up as I came out of the examining room.

I returned to the pharmacy and gave dad my next appointment card and received two large Sprite sodas for my efforts.

"Don't forget your Cokes!" my father decreed as I turned to ask him a question in front of the soda cooler..

"Rebecca asked how long you and mom were married," I told my father.

"We would've been married for 47 years next December 21," my father replied.

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