Thursday, January 12, 2017

Medicinal Care Awaits Us...

Some Men Are Growing Breasts
I really don't want to do this injection ritual this morning. I begrudgingly got in the shower and then dressed in Risperdal Consta appropriate garb (easy to pull my pants down) namely denim shorts. I will be heading to the pharmacy at 8:50 AM to be there at 9 AM. Amazingly, I was already awake when it dawned on me that my shot was today. I called my father and he confirmed it until Mom hijacked the phone to urge me onwards.

"I know you grow tired of getting that injection every two weeks," my mother told me from the bandstand.

9:10 AM -- Slow As Molasses and Impetuous Me...

First, at the pharmacy, the pharmacy tech was having trouble running my prescription through Medicare Part D. You could only submit the prescription after nine she told me. Dad finally walked up front to hand me my dose pack and we were finally off to the races. I thought I would never get the go ahead to drive to Kamath Medical.

"Can I get a candybar with my Cokes?" I eagerly asked my father before I left.

I grabbed a king sized PayDay bar off the counter. I needed a sugar rush to keep me going. Dad told the receptionist to charge my drinks and candy to his account and not mine.

Rebecca, my nurse, was running behind as well even through Dr. Kamath was at a wedding in Bombay, India for the week. That is also his hometown. Can you imagine having to fly two to three whole days to get somewhere? That certainly would do a number on my patience.

"I am so sorry this took so long," Rebecca told me hurriedly. "I was running behind getting here this morning."

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