Saturday, April 22, 2017

More Arrivals and Departures...

barbecued pork, Brunswick stew, cole slaw, and bread
Well, my father just showed up at my house which surprised me very much. It was good to see him as we gave each other a big ole bear hug.

Maggie was also very glad to see our head honcho as well. She let it be known that an evening with Charlie and Papa is a special thing indeed.

"I just had to see how my eldest was doing," my father told me. "I brought you a Fredonia Road barbecue plate and your sodas for the day."

"You should've seen the speaker at continuing education tonight," my father told me laughing. "One of the more frumpy and bumbling fellows I've ever seen."

Dad was in an inquisitive mood tonight. He asked me all about what I thought of my mother's mental illness and he also wanted me to give him the skinny on what Scientology was about.

"Some real dullard and duped high profile people are members," I told my father. "Celebrities like Kirstie Ally, John Travolta, and Tom Cruise."

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