Monday, April 17, 2017

Wrestling Control...

It is hard to believe I am 45, right? So much of my life is handled and controlled.

Yesterday was almost the hardest day in my life with a mental illness that I had ever experienced -- going thirty hours from my last dosage of Crazy Meds. I was in sheer agony and misery to put it lightly. I vowed to work on getting my medications back in my hands. I am going to ask my father if I can keep my medications and he can check every night to see if I have taken them. It is a long shot, but I am going to put this plan into motion in the next few days or so when I can catch my father in a good mood.

Brainstorm...  I do have control of my Medicare parts A, B, and D cards. Maybe I could get my own doctor, pharmacist, etc. Those would be fighting words with my father. though. Let's hope we can handle this with a little more panache and diplomacy.


glittermom said...

Your father needs to be more responsible to giving you the meds at around the same time each day...I worry it would be too hard for you to refrain from taking your meds at random times because your feeling's a temptation when your feeling unsettled to take some medications..

skinny minny said...

I would think with the sudden death of your Mom that there would a bit of a wake up call that something could happen to him suddenly and if a better plan is not in place then trouble would arise in the confusion. there has to be a way to get you your meds at the same general time each and every day regardless of your father's schedule. Would medicare pay for a home health nurse to come and give them to you?
or there is all kinds of technology out there now...I saw a container that was supposedly indestructible that you set the timer on and it can't be opened until the timer says so. It was shone being used for cookies and candy...I imagine it would work for medicine