Thursday, May 11, 2017

Of Buggars and Beasties Lurking in the Deadly Dark...

My Dearest Maggie,
My Dearest Darlin' of Mine,

I know there are buggars and beasties out to get us. Let's not forget those dastardly cats as well. The big wide world is a huge and dangerous place. I would kindly ask you to bark in the day, though, instead of at dusk when people are coming home from work and settling in for the evening. Regain your composure as what befits the Duchess, Princess of Mauritania and Maratouse. 


Your Zeta Dog, Andrew


Home of the Unbridled Bark
Something certainly has Maggie's knickers in a twist tonight. It sounds as if the Mongol Horde are invading and Maggie is our last, best, and only hope at survival. She would make a good town crier. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

"Where's my Maggie?" my father asked when he arrived tonight.

Dad was just dog dead tired from working all day. You could see it in his face and eyes. He will soon be 73 in August. I keep thinking he will retire soon.

"She's playing prime and supreme protector," I replied.

"Maggie? Papa's here!" I hollered out the back door after walking through the kitchen.

"There's my girl!" my father exclaimed as Maggie came frantically racing inside to greet him sliding around every corner.

It is not often (exceedingly rare) that Maggie doesn't catch my father's car pulling up front and misses his arrival.

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