Saturday, May 20, 2017

Let it Rain! Let it Rain!

"Can I come and get my cokes?" I asked big Papa a moment ago.

He was at the grocery store and told me would call me when he got home. It is the dawning of pork chops and rice which we will be having for supper tonight.

Last night, I walked right out the door and forgot them. That means I get 12 today! Woo Hoo! Good things come to those that wait.

"Come back and get them," my father said on the phone very insistently once I had arrived home.

Lazily, I told him I would get them tomorrow. I didn't want to drove all the way back to my father's house just for 6 diet Cokes. I sure missed them later last night, though. He was right. They are a treat to be relished while I am goofing off on my computers and listening to music.

Weather Geeks Unite!

Storms are already starting to bubble up around us in the summer heat. I get so excited about the weather and days like this. I expect to hear thunder pretty soon around these parts.

"Step outside and you can check on the weather," Charlie will chuckle and tell my father and me.

We could have hurricane Cassandra blowing through and Charlie would still be taking Horsefly to the bowling alley.


It felt very empowering to take my medications on my own volition. The only bad thing last night was I took them on a very full stomach and that negates the big kick I get from them about an hour after taking them.

Kitchen Computer is Ready for Service...

I installed Windows 10 on my kitchen computer as it shall be known. Things are working fine and it is a great browsing the web type of computer. I've got it connected wirelessly to the Internet and the connection is super fast. It's got a lowly Core i5 3.6 GHz processor, but it seems pretty fast to me.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

If you had a whole carton of cokes would you drink more then 6? Even 6 is a lot of Coke to drink in a short time...