Monday, May 22, 2017

Rejoining My Facebook Friends...

I haven't even visited Facebook very much in about 2 or 3 years. I visited yesterday when my father wanted to check out what my mother's siblings were doing and I now understand its appeal. On my blog, I would be lucky to get maybe one to a few reactions to a post. I just posted a picture of my little girl, Maggie, and had an almost instant 10 likes and many comments. It is almost instant and addictive gratification and attention.

I am not going to quit blogging, though. Facebook is for what I call fluff. Blogging is long form style writing that takes some thought, finesse, and skill. We will post goofy fluff on Facebook and write about more serious issues and my life on ye olde blog where I am mostly anonymous.

Grocery Day! Blessed Grocery Day!

I am hungry and I am ready to go shopping! I have a leftover KFC biscuit and some leftover KFC mashed potatoes to last me until tonight. I am going to stick to my usual plan which suits me pretty fine. I am ready for some more milk and cereal.

Dad commented on my protruding belly yesterday saying a diet is in order.

"It's all that cereal and whole milk you eat and drink," he told me. "It's what you call your Dun-lop."

I know I need to quit eating it, but I am addicted. Eating two pies a week or a half-gallon of ice cream doesn't help as well.

Edit: I just found a package of Micheal Angelo's manicotti and sauce in the fridge. Woo Hoo! It was hiding behind an almost empty carton of milk which was drained of its contents to the very last drop..

And Let There Be Rain...

I woke up this morning about noon and it was raining pretty heavily outside my bedroom windows. YES! We need the rain to get the National Weather Service to quit harping on and on about our drought in central Alabama.

This Portends Awesome...

Dad just called me as I was writing this post.

"Don't eat too much today," my father just told me over the phone "I am grilling filet mignons and cooking green beans and baked potatoes."

Karma has a way of kicking my ass and sometimes it lets magical things like this happen as well.

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