Monday, June 18, 2018

Me? Afraid of Poop? Pshaw!

Mom's Car“Tracy is going to be showing you what you will be doing,” Mrs. Barbara said not long after I arrived this morning. “Hon, do you want a cup of coffee?”

“No thank you, ma’am,” I told her.

“You’re not afraid of poop, are you?” Tracy asked me with a giggle as we entered the dog kennels. “We are going to be putting the dogs in the outside kennels and then you are going to power wash the inside kennels. Then we will bring them back in and feed and water them.”

“Sounds great to me,” I said chirpily and anxious to get started.

There were 30 kennels to clean which took me several hours. Tracy, a cute little lass, kept coming back to see how I was doing. She said she was emptying litter boxes where the cats are kept in a separate room. It seems to me that they were just glad to see a new face around the place.

My phone vibrated in my pocket while I was cleaning and it was my father. I turned the raucously loud power washer off.

Mom's car 2“Call me when you get home,” he said. “We are going to get the insurance to your mother’s car in your name and I have a bill of sale drawn up along with the title. We’ll go by the courthouse and finalize everything about your mother’s car.”

This day was looking up by the minute.

I went into the bathroom around noon to take my crazy meds and hoped as all hell they didn’t make me woozy like they sometimes can do. I was taking them on an empty stomach. Normally, I would welcome the feeling. I forgot to pack a lunch not really knowing how long I would volunteer today.

“Honey,” Mrs. Barbara said. “That’s all you have to do today and we’ll need you to do it Wednesday as well if you don’t mind. I don’t want to put too much on you your first day. We appreciate your help.”

I told everyone goodbye and headed out for a rendezvous with my father after I called him on the phone and said I was leaving the Humane Society.

Dad met me at Progressive and we easily got mom’s car insurance in my name. It took all of five minutes. Our next rendezvous was at the courthouse annex just down the road. Charlie had handled all the paperwork and got it ready for my father. Everything went smoothly and I am the proud new owner of a Honda Civic LX.  They are going to mail me the new title for the car.

Dad and I are going to buy our groceries tonight and I am going to be one tired little puppy when I get home. I have just about zero groceries in this house.


Jane said...

Sounds like the perfect job for you!

glittermom said...

You did good for such a busy day. It will get easier.

glittermom said...

Glad you got the newer car. I’ll miss seeing your green CRV parked in the drive.

Jan said...

I can hardly believe you got the car...hope you're not so excited that you decide to sleep in it tonight (I know I might).

God bless you, volunteering for the humane society. I donate $$ to one in my area monthly. I used to drop the check off in person, but usually left in tear, even though I know it is a no-kill shelter. I feel so bad for the animals! Now I mail the check.

Lastly, I pressure washed my patio last week. Took me two days and that pressure washer kicked my behind! I couldn't believe how tight my shoulders and upper arms got. Gotta be good exercise!

Peace, my friend!