Thursday, June 21, 2018

You’re Going to Make Spaghetti with that?

Ragu TraditionalThat’s what my father exclaimed as we were standing in line at Kroger last night. I have a very simplified spaghetti meat sauce recipe now. It is one extra large bottle of Ragu Old World Style spaghetti sauce and two small cans of tomato paste with oregano, garlic, and basil. It gets good and thick on the stove after simmering for two hours. Dad has an elaborate spaghetti recipe with sautéed celery, onions, butter, and whatnot. I just want something quick and easy that still tastes good. My simplified recipe fits the bill.

I was extremely overjoyed this morning when I remembered I had one more soda in the fridge left from last night. I had bought three Baja Blast Mountain Dew drinks at checkout instead of my usual two – my favorite soda. I relished this remaining soda with an acute zest and quite a few cigarettes as I caught up on my favorite haunts on the internet. Savored would be a better word. Then, I got my spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove after I browned the 2lbs of ground beef. I like to emphasize the meat in meat sauce! The house smells wonderful right now. It is making me hungry again after Maggie’s and my big breakfast.

I got dad a funny “thank you” greeting card last night and filled it out in the car as he was loading his groceries next to me. It read “Thanks for saving my life. Love, Your Son”. He loved it and gave me a big hug. He can be an old softie at times. You just have to catch him at the right moment. He’s not all curmudgeon and criticism all the time although sometimes I wonder.

My big task for the day is taking my crazy meds at noon. Yes, that is it. I don’t have anything pressing to do today. I think I am going to get out and wash my new car late this evening after the heat and thunderstorms subside. 

1 comment:

Jane said...

Awwww.....the card was sweet of you! I bet your dad loved it!