Tuesday, June 05, 2018

We Passed Muster…

Dad was really walking around my house checking on things tonight. It was making me nervous. What would he find? My collection of Japanese Hentai? (just kidding)

“Oh, I love your Christmas lights in your bedroom,” he said at one point. “You need to make up your bed everyday, though.”

“The Christmas lights are my nightlight,” I told him and ignored the part about making up my bed.

That harkens back to his Army days.

“Your computer room looks just like a computer junkie would have it,” Dad told me.

“You’ve got your kitchen and laundry room looking so nice and clean,” he also said as we moved through the house.

He did say my bathroom needed some work.

“You’ve got ring around the toilet bowl,” he said.

We both sat back down in the den as Maggie vied for my father’s affection.

“I don’t want my hands smelling like dog,” he said with his nose turned up thwarting Maggie's efforts.

Dad complimented me on the music playing through the computer in the den.

“It’s my iTunes mix,” I said. “Some songs I have listened to over a hundred times.”

Imogen Heap was playing and dad pricked up his ears up when I said she was British.

A little note on dad’s army days. The army barracks stayed lit all night. Dad had a top bunk just under a bright light bulb. He could only sleep with a towel over his eyes. Still, to this day, he sleeps with a folded towel covering his eyes. I guess old habits die hard.


glittermom said...

He needs a sleep mask.

Sharyn said...

Hey, you are a single gamer guy. Dad should be glad you aren't storing pee in Gatorade bottles!! LOL